Glaucoma: Silent Thief of Vision
Glaucoma is a progressive, degenerative disease of the optic nerve that can lead to permanent vision loss. It is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide. 3 million people in America have
glaucoma and approximately 50% of people don't know they have it by because it is symptomless. However, with early detection and treatment, vision loss can be prevented. Various forms of glaucoma exist and most forms have no pain or symptoms . Glaucoma is screened for and detected during your annual eye exam.
There are many risk factors for glaucoma. Some of these risk factors include: ● Age over 40 ● African American, Asian, or Hispanic descent ● a family history of glaucoma ● being highly nearsightedness or farsighted ● history of ocular injury ● diabetes ● sleep apnea ● use of certain medications such as steroids
The treatment for glaucoma may include eye drops, laser procedures, and/or surgery.
Currently, there are no therapies that prevent glaucoma. The best practice is have annual exams for early detection and treatment. Advancing technology allows us to detect glaucoma earlier than ever, thereby preserving your vision for years to come.
Written by Dr. Vandana Gandhi