Dilated eye exams at appropriate intervals are extremely important for individuals with Diabetes and those at risk for this disease due to the possibility of substantial vision loss with long term uncontrolled Diabetic eye disease. In these cases of advanced diabetic retinopathy, an individual may have irreversible vision loss or even total blindness as a result. Beginning symptoms of diabetic retinopathy can present as what may seem like routine blurry vision or fluctuating vision and this is the reason yearly eye exams are so important as early as possible to prevent vision loss.
avoid these complications to your eyes make sure to include your eye doctor in
your team of healthcare professionals and to visit him/her regularly just as
you would with your primary care physician and dentist. As a part of your diabetes
management team, your eye doctor can often be your first line of detection for
diabetes due to the findings of your annual dilated eye exam. Your eye doctor
may also utilize advanced High Definition retinal photography in order to
document the presence and progression of any diabetic changes to your eyes
during each eye exam.
my practice we are helping to contribute to a healthier patient population by
meeting three specific objectives set by the American Optometric Association
and their National Diabetes Month Campaign. These three vision objectives of
the Healthy People 2010 campaign are: to increase the proportion of persons who
have a dilated eye examination at appropriate intervals, reduce visual
impairment due to diabetic retinopathy, and to increase vision rehabilitation. If you are an individual with or at risk for
diabetes please make sure to get a comprehensive eye examination each and every