Computers are so consistently integrated into our lifestyles today from the work station at our jobs, to the family laptop, and even our smart phones; it is no wonder we often spend the majority of the day with our eyes locked into some sort of virtual screen display.
If you routinely spend hours in front of a computer screen you have probably experienced symptoms of Computer vision syndrome (CVS) at one time or another. CVS symptoms can include eye strain, headaches, loss of focus, burning eyes, double vision, blurred vision, neck and shoulder pain, and much more.
Creating a work environment that is more ergonomically friendly can help reduce eye and musculoskeletal symptoms associated with Computer vision syndrome. A custom pair of computer eyeglasses may also alleviate your symptoms by helping you see better at precisely the right distance range of your computer monitor.
Read more about practical tips to ease computer eye strain to improve your visual efficiency, productivity, and comfort while in front of the computer.